4 Steps to Contentment

4 Steps to Contentment

“The older I get, the more I realize I don’t want to be around drama, conflict or stress. I want a cozy home, good food and to be surrounded by happy people.” This quote is going around on social media right now. I have not been able to find the original source so I will attribute it to Anonymous. Anonymous authors a lot of meaty statements and most are common sense. My heart’s desire for contentment is expressed in this quote.

Choose contentment

Let Go of Drama, Conflict, and Stress

Life, unfortunately, makes it impossible to avoid all drama, conflict and stress. However, I can choose whether I get caught up in it or I acknowledge it and move on. I enjoy keeping up with friends on social media. But, I have learned to scroll past posts that are written to incite conflict or express views that violate my faith. I value peace over chaos and fear. I affirm this statement in 1 John 4:4 , “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”

After being laid off, I could have totally stressed out over our finances. But I know that God is our Provider and He has never failed us. I stand on the promise in His Word that says, “I have been young and now I m old, Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread” (Psalm 37:25).

Create a Cozy Home

We set the temperature in our homes whether it is cold or cozy. Protect the peace and calm within your four walls. You can do this by limiting the amount of time spent watching news broadcasts and reading social media. I am not saying to stay ignorant of what is going on in the world. But choose your news sources carefully and limit your exposure. Seek out the stories of overcomers and helpers in the world.

Maintain your home’s coziness by keeping it tidy. I don’t mean sterile where everything smells of disinfectant and there is nothing out of place. Make it comfortable to relax in. Relaxation doesn’t happen in a home filled with physical and emotional chaos. Nor does it happen in a home staged to look like a magazine cover. Find balance for your household’s mental and physical health.

Prepare Good Food

I love gathering around the table with my family and enjoying a good meal. Good food that is flavorful and nutritious ministers to both physical and social needs of the dear ones gathered around your table. Make a point of preparing meals from scratch or that are semi-homemade with real food ingredients. Meal preparation creates great conversations with your family when you do it together.

Cleaning up the aftermath of a good meal provides great training for teamwork. I remember my mom not wanting a dishwasher when we were young. She finally conceded when we were past elementary school and our school, church, and sports schedules were crazy. She claimed to find out more about our lives while we were wiping and putting away the dishes than any other time of the day. Now, I’m not saying to give up your dishwasher. I have no intention of letting mine go—my husband or the appliance. I am saying to take advantage of teaching times that arise through daily activities.

Surround Yourself With Happy People

I prefer to use content rather than happy. Happy is an emotion that can be very fickle but contentment is a choice. Regardless of your situation, you choose whether or not you will be content. Being content is to be “satisfied with what one is or has.”

Choosing contentment does not mean to be lazy, stagnate or unproductive. I choose to be content in the home that God has provided for us. But, every day I move, change, or create something in my home to improve its form and function. Work fulfills an inherent need within us to be productive, to create, and move towards the purpose and calling of our lives.

Contentment characterizes a life of peace, faith, and trust in the Lord and His work in our lives. Despite the emotional menu of the day, we can be content through happiness, sadness, joy, and sorrow. It is a choice.

I agree with the Apostle Paul when he wrote, “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am” (Philippians 4:11). I pray you will step away from the drama, conflict, and stress to find contentment today.

Thanks for letting me share my heart for home and family,

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