I hope you received some fresh food for thought from yesterday’s Lesson for the New Year. Are you ready for Lesson #2?
Lesson #2 – Are you dreaming dreams or seeing visions?
What’s the difference? According to dictionary.com, a dream is “an aspiration; goal; aim.” A vision is “the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be.” Let me give you an example of the difference.
I have a dream of an amazing kitchen with an attached studio that will allow me to hold instructional classes in preserving food (canning, freezing, dehydrating) and to produce artistic products and surface pattern designs. This kitchen will also have space for a large farm table that can be used for sewing and crafting sessions. I have even sketched out how I want that dream kitchen and studio to look.

Stop delaying and get started
That kitchen and studio would be amazing! But the truth is I don’t need either to accomplish the vision that God has placed deep in my heart. My kitchen in our townhome is small. However, it not so small that I couldn’t hold classes for a few women in the skills of cooking and food preservation. My dining room table could be covered with a drop cloth and provide a place for sewing and crafting sessions. Our third bedroom is serving as my studio and office.
That amazing kitchen and studio would be the dream-come-true way! But, it isn’t required to accomplish my vision. How often do we delay the fulfillment of our visions because we are waiting for the ideal dream situation? The truth is God has called me to share, teach, and create from where I am now. He didn’t call me to wait until I am in the ideal situation that I dream of before I start to obey His calling.
What will you do?
What is the vision you hold deep within your heart for the new year? Have you delayed moving toward your vision because you are trying to find a way to make your vision easier or grander? Will you spend another year on the Ferris wheel (See Lesson #1) dreaming of the ideal or are you going to start across the bridge to overcome the obstacles between you and your vision?
I’m excited to share Lesson #3: Six steps to embrace your vision in tomorrow’s post.

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