Have you ever wondered about the length or cycle of a day? Technically, it is 24 hours, and most of us consider each new day to start at 12:00 AM. But, does it really? This is not a new question for me. As I pondered this again, I once again found the answer in Genesis 1:5b.

According to the Word, our day begins in the evening or at sunset. When I worked outside the home, the evening began when I got home. Now, I consider the evening to start around 6:00 PM. Of course, this time of year sunset is a bit earlier than that but life has to be a blend of desire and practicality!
…there was evening
How do I start my day in the evening? Well, it means I don’t give myself permission to just crash (normally). A list of tasks, a routine, exists for each eening. These include:
- Dinner – preparation, enjoying, cleaning up
- Relationship time – this is the overarching theme of most evenings: spending time with my husband
- TIDY – Take 5 minutes In every room Dash in and pick up Your messes
- Release your thoughts – spend time writing, drawing, whatever it takes to settle my mind from the day’s business.
- Prepare for tomorrow – make the to-do list, then realize that it is too much and cross off all but the truly important
- Refresh yourself – take care of your own physical, spiritual, and mental health with a good night’s sleep
This is not an all-inclusive list and it will be different for each of us. Learn your needs, schedules, and cycles of life and those of your family. Out of that knowledge will come your evening plan.
…and there was morning
The most important thing to remember about morning is that it does NOT start with the to-do list. The to-do list comes after you have prepared your heart, body, and mind to face what the day will bring. My morning list looks like this:
- Quiet time inspiration – Bible, prayer, and meditation
- Self-Care – check the blood sugars, take medications, eat a proper breakfast, and take supplements as directed by my physician
- Move it! – start with stretching to minimize the pain of getting out of bed
- Put on a happy face – shower, get the face on, and dress
Only after I have done these things am I ready to even look at my to-do list! I work at home so my schedule varies according to the needs of my business. I do keep a schedule for designing, creating, and office tasks. But, working for the Lord and not completing a human list tops my priorities Colossians 3:23. If I lose sight of that, my accomplishments mean very little.
One day, hour, moment
We are only granted one day, one hour, and one moment at a time. The number of our days is in God’s hands, and He expects us to make each one count as they are granted to us. Does that mean that we are to be constantly on the go and never stop doing? Definitely NOT! Depending on your season of life, your most important task will be very different.
For the new mom, it may be finding a few minutes to nap and refresh your body. As the mom of toddlers, it may be to find a moment of peace in a noisy day to refresh your mind with a few minutes of reading or adult conversation. For the mom of teens, it may be those moments waiting in the car before dashing to the next activity to read, pray or nap–whatever YOU need.
If you are an empty nester like me, it may be realizing that you are not alone. Your children may have moved into their own adult lives, but your role hasn’t ended. It has just changed. It’s time to learn to enjoy the restoration of quiet so you are prepared for those times when they all come home or reach out to you.
Fulfilling your purpose
Each of us is called to a purpose, that vision living deep in our heart! Purposes and visions are not accomplished without intentionally establishing routines, habits, and schedules. “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” (Zig Ziglar) Making a plan recognizes the importance of taking aim. Aiming involves action: lining up the arrow (your activities) with the target (your purpose/vision). Only then are you ready to take the shot.
Be encouraged today that we all get to choose how we spend the hours of our days. Don’t get so caught up in doing that you forget to take time to care for yourself! But, don’t get so caught up in yourself, that you forget to look outward! Thoughts for another post…
Thank you for letting me share my heart for home and life with you! I hope you will share the thoughts and reflections my words bring to your heart and mind.