I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. My house is quiet (except for my youngest grandson) and I can enjoy my decorations for a few more days. (They will be coming down the weekend after Epiphany.) It is a wonderful time to reflect on the past year and set my sites on the new year.
As I sip my tea and contemplate 2022 and 2023, three strong ideas form in my thoughts that I want to share with you over the next few days.
Today, I want to focus on Lesson #1: Getting off the Ferris wheel and stepping onto the bridge.

Ferris Wheel or Bridge?
Picture a Ferris wheel in your mind. It’s more romantic than a hamster wheel but the concept is the same. They are fixed in space, mounted on brackets, and even though they spin the wheel doesn’t go anywhere. In life, it is a relentless cycle: lofty goals, good intentions, lack of action, and starting over again.
Now picture your favorite bridge. There is a beginning that allows you to go over an obstacle like a river or canyon. And, there is an end to the bridge. It is also fixed in space and mounted on brackets. The difference? It is part of a continuous path. In life, a bridge doesn’t hold you in one place but instead, it facilitates your journey on your chosen path. Even when the fog rolls in shrouding the other end of a long bridge, you know when the sun breaks come it will still be there.
From the Word
I love the verses in the Old Testament describing the children of Israel crossing over the Jordan River. The crossing was to claim the land that God had promised to them. I believe God wants us to claim those same promises for the visions He has placed deep in our hearts.
So be aware today that is the Lord your God who is crossing over [the bridge] ahead of you as a consuming fire. He will destroy them [fears, obstacles in your path] and He will subdue them before you, so that you may drive them out [remove them from your life] and eliminate them quickly [destroy them so they cannot re-enter your life], just as the Lord has spoken to you. Deuteronomy 9:3 NASB [Amplification is mine.]
What’s Next?
I’m getting off of the Ferris wheel this year. It may provide a nice view from the top but it doesn’t get me any closer to my vision. I am stepping onto the bridge God will provide over the obstacles to fulfilling my vision. The calling of sharing My Heart 4 Home blog and design collections with my family, my friends, my customers, and the new friends I hope to meet on my path.
What about you? What will you choose? Are you going to stay on the Ferris wheel another year watching life go by or are you going to get off and take the steps needed to cross the bridge into the vision and calling that God has placed deep inside you?
I look forward to sharing with you Lesson #2: The difference between dreams and visions, and Lesson #3: Six steps to embrace your vision.
I hope you will come with me as I share My Heart 4 Home and take steps to embrace my vision–

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